In this section, you will find ways for us, as a community, to collectively participate in the governance of our Network.
How to Participate
Participation will be virtual-first and we’ll be using Discourse threads to facilitate discussions and to gather feedback and nominations.
The table below will be continuously updated as we begin to share out each topic and how to participate. Each topic will have its own set of instructions and ways to plug in, which you can access once you select a topic.
Q: Can I only participate during Brigade Congress?
Nope! You can begin to engage in the topics once they are made available above. However, during Brigade Congress, in-person attendees will have the opportunity to participate in these topics via in-person “booths”.
During and after Brigade Congress, a staff member will move in-person contributions to its respective Discourse topic thread. Each topic made available to engage in will be open to participation until the end of October unless otherwise stated.
If you need any assistance or have any questions, you can leave a comment in this thread or contact @Mari via email ( or on Slack.