Network ReVisioning: Town Hall Follow Up & Recording

Thanks for coming to the Network ReVisioning Town Hall. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, you’ll find a recording and other materials you missed right here.

Pulse Check 🌡

How are you feeling about the options we discussed? What questions do you have for further exploration?

>> This survey is something you can share with your Brigades. It’s also for you to fill out and raise questions. The goal with this process is to provide multiple ways for you to engage, so this survey as well as the notes doc below are two existing pathways. Take the survey now.

Recording 📹

- Here’s the link to the recording. This is helpful to watch in the Zoom interface as there’s both a (slightly imperfect) audio transcript, and a live playback of our chat (which had great convo in it!)

Transcript + Open Discussion :writing_hand:

  • For live, open notes and the meeting transcript, check out this document. You’re also welcome to drop your thoughts right in this document.

What’s next? And how can I keep up to date?

  • The Network ReVisioning Team will be kicking off peer to peer and small group sessions in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes on the #brigade channel in Slack, and for the bi-weekly Network Sparks newsletter to be aware of those events. We will also share events like town halls, workshops, and other activities on the Brigade Network Calendar page of our website. If you find you’re not getting the Sparks newsletter, please contact me directly and I can try to sort that out.

  • We’re piloting an open source tool called Decidim for this Network ReVision process. It’s built specifically to help groups & governments design participatory processes. The best way to get involved in that work is to join the #Decidim channel in the CfA Slack and to check out the working document to better understand the goals and existing context.

Thank you for bringing your thoughts, hearts, and open minds to this process.

In community,


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