This is a discussion on the types of sessions to have at Brigade Congress, and how we may divide this content committee into subcommittees determined by type. Here are examples:
Program types and roles:
Keynote subcommittee
Training subcommittee
Unconference subcommittee
Operations subcommittee
Making recommendations on accessibility
Implementing documentation guidelines
Please add your discussion items as a reply to this topic and we will incorporate it in the next meeting Agenda.
Iʻd be interested in a “Story Circle” kind of sessions geared at creating space for sharing relevant experiences with personal or emotional impact.
Also “regional” sessions not necessarily to get people from the same region in the same room (although that is useful, too) but to to tease out and share about regional histories, regional differences, regional opportunities
oh, also, one other thing
Would love to build on the decolonizing work from summits past. I think one way to think about this is as a content track. But I wonder if we could also think about decolonizing work as a fundamentally different program type
Ben, I would think of your suggests as sessions formats that are tailored to handle their respective topics really well. I doubt there’s time to formalize these as “session types” for Congress, but I think all of your suggestions would make great unconference sessions where we try to focus on how discussion is facilitated more than what content to to “present”.
I also think these should be priorities of congress discussions, so maybe for future congresses, we should create “tracks” of topics we want to make sure to cover.
Meanwhile, I think this thread is a little confusing because the title sounds like formats for sessions at congress, while the main post describes subcommittees for the content committee (out of date now). Regardless, I loved Ben’s ideas so I just responded to those.
Perhaps we should change the title and description since this has taken a different direction?