This is for a discussion item on how to format our content. Do we want to have overlapping sessions? At the in-person Brigade Congress event, we’d have as many as four overlapping sessions. Virtually, four sessions at once does not seem to make sense. Do we want any overlapping sessions?
This decision will determine how much content and the number of sessions we will have for Brigade congress.
Overlapping sessions (maximum of 2 at the same time)
In my mind, the value of overlapping sessions is that if something isnʻt working for you, you can go to something else.
the challenge (and I feel this deeply and personally) is always FOMO.
from the aggregate perspective, though – if there are lots of conversations to have, overlapping sessions are still time efficient. itʻs traumatizing not to be in something that Iʻm interested in, but at least the work can proceed.
I can’t make up my mind about this. To the extent that we’re just doing a conference - i.e. sharing information, I like multiple sessions because I figure most people aren’t interested in all of it. But, to the extent that we try to move toward self-organization and a congress where important discussions are had that need broad input (like our network Theory of Change, Mission, Vision and Values, town halls with C4A leadership etc), I think we should only have one session at a time.
I like multiple sessions. Although when 2 sessions are being done at the same time I am interested in it makes it hard to choose. If this has been the case for myself at other events I find myself hopping from each session back and forth. Which in reality isn’t too smart. You tend to lose valuable information or the topics meaning by doing so. I would have liked a 3rd choice to this question, either/or for those of us who don’t have a preference.