[April 13 Workshop] Priority Action Area: Rapid Response

On April 13th we led a workshop around Rapid Response in the Network.

Brigade members have been at the front lines for rapid response initiatives such as Hurricane Harvey , Maria, and more. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic, Brigades again have stepped up to the front lines of actions to help their communities tackle the effects of this health crisis.

Learn about efforts throughout the Network including presentations from Hack for LA, Code for Pittsburgh, and Code for Tulsa, and how you can get involved. Also featured will be ways to get involved in work with the Earned Income Tax Credit team at Code for America and a conversation around ethical project scoping.

Notes from the workshop are here.

Watch the recording!


  1. Brigade Project Index; Bonnie Wolfe, Hack for LA
  2. Food Oasis, Hack for LA, Bonnie Wolfe and Liza Garrison. Presentation
  3. Code for Tulsa, Carlos Moreno, SNAP Screener: (slide deck) (github) (live demo (for testing; please select test school))
  4. Code for Pittsburgh, Melinda Angeles, Free Food Distribution Sites
  5. EITC “Partner Enablement Team” Code for America. Presentation from Code for San Jose; Diana
  6. Conversation about Ethical Project Sourcing; Melanie, Greg, Jess
    Digital Disaster Response: Creating Tech-Based Resources
    Something is not necessarily better than nothing: Introducing the Principles of Equitable Disaster Response
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Looking forward to it!