Ways to Get Involved: Network ReVisioning
Quick & easy (5-10 minutes)
- Participate in the Pol.is: “How can a network Revisioning help Brigades stabilize and thrive?”
60+ minutes
- Sign up for a peer to peer session
- Join a forum - Next forum is this Wednesday from 7 - 8:30 pm ET
- Join our drop-in work party this Thursday from 4:30 - 6 pm ET
ReVisioning Q&A 
When can we expect significant changes to the program or to how we run our Brigade?
We are currently in the process of identifying a shared purpose for the future of our Brigade Network and taking time to understand the implications of potential changes. The actual implementation of changes won’t happen for a few months, beginning in Fall of 2021. We’re currently in the Narrowing phase of this process, which means we’re focused on building up our possible theories of change, adding to them, refining them, and making a recommendation to Code for America’s leadership for how we might significantly restructure and change the Brigade Network. This narrowing phase began in December of 2020 and will run through July, and the closing phase, in which final decisions about those recommendations are made, will be finished by October, with many opportunities for iteration and feedback built into that timeline. Our hope is that the implementation of any changes would start with a collaborative session at Brigade Congress in October.
How can I get involved?
Want to add your thoughts? Here are three ways:
- Join the pol.is discussion
- Sign up for a peer to peer session.
- Attend a forum!
Forum #4: Wednesday, June 2, 7 pm ET
“Living Our Culture and Values”
Key Quotes 
“I would like to see more tools and resources made available to Brigades — we’ve been struggling so much in this area and I feel like we’re really on our own.”
“If our mission is actually only government service delivery, and CfA is just another gov tech vendor that happens to be a nonprofit, we should name that. But if we are a movement that wants to focus on tech issues beyond government services, we need to figure out what those [issues] are.”
“I don’t feel very successful at delivering results that work. I have lots of energy and enthusiasm for the design and build stages, but feel that I fail in recruiting the community support necessary for the tools to work.”
Voices of the Brigades 
Participate in this conversation here
Q. What does a successful revisioning look like…?
“It looks like… CFA helping to support connections, Brigade projects, and
Brigade leaders as a part of the organization’s success and strategy.”
“It looks like… the Brigade Network being able to replicate and distribute
successful projects and having an inventory of the successful projects.”
“It looks like… the resulting direction is clear enough that Brigades
can implement it & flexible enough that Brigades will implement it.”
In case you missed it 
Forum #3: Brigade Growth and Sustainability
Forum #2: Envisioning Success
Forum #1: Town Hall with CEO Amanda Renteria
That’s it for this week! You can plan to receive these regular updates as the Network ReVisioning Project advances.