Major League Hacking Workshops (Alexa, Slack, Docker, etc.)

Hi fellow brigade leaders,

We just got an email from a coordinator at Major League Hacking, which creates curricula for workshops that other groups can host. It seems like some of the workshops on their site overlap with what brigades are working on:

For example, the Alexa skills workshop, Slack apps workshop, Intro to Docker, these are all things that I know Brigades find useful.

From the coordinator himself:

MLH Localhost is a series of 90-minute technical workshops about specific technologies that are free for organizers to utilize in their own communities. There’s a bunch of really cool pieces of curriculum we built out, but one of my favorites is our SPARK Ada introduction (it’s basically a Bug-Free programming language, believe it or not). If you’re interested, we’d love to work with you to run one of these workshops at an upcoming Meetup. You can see some of our other workshops at!

If anyone is interested in connecting to host one of these workshops, ping me and I’ll connect you with the coordinator via email!

I’d like to connect with this organizer. Thanks Tom!