Introducing the new Brigade Project Branch [Brigade Congress 2022]

Presented by: Micah Mutrux & Gabrielle Solis
Date/Time: Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 11:45am-1:00pm CT

The Brigade Project Branch is one of the first three participatory governance branches being launched by the Network Team.

Join us for an overview of the purpose and scope of the Projects Branch. We will review the overarching intensions and goals. We will also show how the current first draft of the branch charter proposes meeting those goals.

See also:


  • In-person: The Parker Room (Downstairs, room next to the bar)
  • In Gather Town: Unconference #1 (Outdoor picnic table near St Louis arch)

Breakout Session Resources:

:notebook: Shared Notes on Google Docs
:high_brightness: Slide Deck
:movie_camera: Recording