This is the place to find notes, slides, and discussions about this session at Brigade Congress 2022:
Community-Centered Storytelling
Presented by: Cole Coleman
Date/Time: Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 11:45am-1:00pm CT
Register for the Zoom Session
- Both In-person and Virtually: Inside TechArtista in the Ballroom area
Breakout Session Resources:
Shared Notes on Google Docs
Slide Deck
Recording (after event)
So you’ve got a great project and you want more people to know about it—this is the session for you! From crafting a compelling story arc to pitching local press, communications work is essential to getting more attention on your projects. We’ll work on building out a narrative of your Brigade’s project that’s rooted in your local community. This session can be helpful for those looking to recruit new volunteers, garner more funding, or just let your community know what you’re up to. Come prepared with a project that needs some comms help or just come to learn a bit more about storytelling.