Want to join Reimagine911? Start here!

New member? Start here!

:rocket: How to get started

1. Fill out and sign the Reimagine911 member registration form

Just some basic info. Your skills and interests are particularly helpful here.

2. Join Slack and introduce yourself

We use slack as our primary mode of communication. Its use may vary between teams, but the community & camaraderie is happening on Slack!

  1. Sign up for a Slack account and join Code for America’s Slack workspace, if you’ve not already done so. Note: We strongly recommend also downloading the Slack mobile app and encourage that you check in regularly to stay up-to-date with your team(s).

  2. After receiving your Slack invitation, join the #r911-nat-members-intros channel. Note: Usually Slack invitations will go out within minutes, but could take longer.

  3. Introduce yourself in the #r911-nat-members-intros channel by completing, copying, and pasting this questionnaire:

**A) Current City, State, & Timezone:
B) Pronouns:
C) Skill Sets:
D) What you hope to do with Reimagine911?
E) How’d you find out about Reimagine911?
F) If you’re affiliated with a Brigade, tell us which one!

  1. After you’ve shared that info in slack, we’ll get in touch within a day(ish) to help you find a place with a team that’s a good fit for you!

3. Sign up for Discourse

While we use Slack for conversation, we use Discourse for documentation. You’ll want to have access to that.

  1. Create an account on discourse.codeforamerica.org
  2. Customize your profile by adding an image
  3. Go to the National Action Team category.

4. Sign up for GitHub

We are beginning to use Github to pitch new ideas and track member activities.

  1. Create an account on Github
  2. Customize your profile by adding your name and a photo.
  3. Go to our National Action Team account.
  4. Click the “watch” button on the upper right-hand side.
  5. Read the documentation guide on using Github on the National Action Team.

Boom! You’re all done!

You’ll hear from us soon, but feel free to just jump into slack, introduce yourself, and start chatting up the other members.

Some FAQs:

So what is Reimagine911 doing, exactly?

Our primary goal for 2022 is to take as many of the 911 calls that are openly available on the internet as possible, and put them together for the first time. If we can create a prototype of standardized 911 data, it can be used by 911 administrators, researchers, and alternative 911 programs to see trends and advocate for change.
See also: Reimagine911 Volunteer Working Group Timeline

And how can I help?

This is a big, complex problem we’re trying to solve. We’ll be scouring the internet for data, investigating how each jurisdiction handles its 911 calls (hint: they’re all different), and building software help us do the hard work. But as we pick up momentum we also want to create an informed, caring community. We want writers to lift up the things we’re discovering, guides to help develop relationships with 911 stakeholders, and thoughtful people who can help us make sure our practices stay centered on the people we want most to be helping.

But aside from specific skills needed and applied, we are also developing many activities where you can jump in without any knowledge, learn what you need to know, and help the data effort directly.

Do I need prior experience with the 911 system?

Prior experience is not a requirement. The vast majority of members who are partnering in this work do not arrive with prior direct experience. But if you have a willingness to learn, and about 4 or 8 hours per week, then we’ll teach you a whole lot about the 911 system – including how to put that knowledge to work on this project.

Of course… if you do have professional experience in emergency services then most likely we’ll have some specific ideas that we’d love your help on.