Reimagine 911: A Case Study for Brigade/Network Collaboration
Presented by: Micah Mutrux, Reimagine 911 & Project Branch Manager, Code for America
Date/Time: Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 11:45am-1:00pm CT
- Both In-person and in Gather Town: Inside TechArtista in the Main Hall
This is our first year of implementing our network “ReVisioning”; a strategy for ongoing Brigade and Network collaboration. In this session we will use the Reimagine 911 program as a case study to identify promising ways that national efforts can support the brigade network.
We’ll look at several different models/components of national programming that Brigades would directly benefit from:
- National Day of Civic Hacking 2021
- National “Off the shelf” projects for local teams
- Developing topical communities of practice
- Building a “CfA-way” orientation for civic tech
Breakout Session Resources:
Shared Notes on Google Docs
Slide Deck