Glossary Introduction
Welcome to the primary glossary of terms for Reimagining 911! This glossary serves as a resource for National Action Team members to learn more about specific emergency response terminology (and to break down any related jargon). Also included is a glossary for common language used by Code for America – the Reimagining 911 project’s core sponsor.
How to Use the Reimagining 911 Glossary of Terms
This glossary contains a list of terms and their definitions, sorted alphabetically, along with any relevant acronyms. You can search within the list by selecting Edit --> Find
or by pressing the Command + F keys on your keyboard.
Glossary Resources and References
The primary glossary is compiled of glossary terms from the following references:
- Terms and definitions from the national 911 program’s “911 Data Information & Information Sharing” document.
- Compiled in the technical library of private company Database Systems Corp, which provides computer software and telephony to emergency call centers.
Connecticut State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
- Succinct list of terms provided by Connecticut’s Statewide Emergency Telecommunications division.
- Comprehensive, detailed list of terms published by NENA - the National Emergency Number Association.
- Provided by the “Enhanced 911 Board”, a group of elected and appointed board members that oversees the State of Vermont’s 911 system.
- Glossary of terms used to navigate the Transform911 project’s website and provide context for its work. Code for America and Reimagine 911 are partners within the broader Transform911 project.
Code for America Glossary of Terms
This glossary can be used to learn more about the language Code for America uses when describing its principles, people, partners, pathways and practices.