NAC: Jill Bjers, Chris Alfano, Emma Burnett, Nina Kin, Laura Biediger, Dawn McDougall, Jason Hibbets
CFA: Meredith Horowski, Christopher Whitaker, Veronica Young, Tom Dooner, Hashim Mteuzi
Pre-Meeting Updates
Upcoming Calendar
- Upcoming Workshops: None on CfA Brigade calendar
- 2019 Calendar:
- ODD - March 2nd
- Summit - May 29-31 (Oakland)
- NDOCH - September 21st
- Brigade Congress - October 18-20th (Cleveland)
- Brigade onboarding / offboarding
- Onboarding - Code for Hackensack, Code for Kentuckiana
- Offboarding - Code for Berkeley, NIU Tech Bark, TBD re: MOU process
NAC Updates
- Chris
- Holidays are for hacking in the dark
- Dawn
- Code for JC – working on getting the word out about partnerships with mesh networks and tenant rights
- No current interest in joining NAC
- Code for JC – working on getting the word out about partnerships with mesh networks and tenant rights
- Emma
- Summit content committee planning is underway. We are going to work on reviewing submissions in-person early February for main stage & breakout content.
- New project model for OpenMaine; sharing w other “fledgling”/ small/struggling brigades – who might qualify?
- OpenMaine: We had the Cumberland County Emergency Response coordinator reach out proactively to help create an “information portal” of sorts – scrape social media mentions of an event and put all in one place in order to combat misinformation. Going to take first meetings and then reach out to other groups – we have much to learn/ share from the network on emergency response.
- Janet
- Meeting with prospective Cincinnati Brigade founder next week
- Also recruiting…HT Jason!
- Jason
- I will join the first part of tonight’s meeting by phone, then by video when I get home from a meet-up;
- Held a discovery call around BATs, next steps are to form a small working group (Kevin, Mohit, Annie) and follow-up with Tom on infrastructure questions;
- Has a self-formed BAT from Code for Hackensack:
- United World of Rescue Brigade Action Team (UWR BAT)
- Purpose: To consolidate Animal Rescue platforms into a single repository, encourage the development of new applications, and facilitate collaboration across a planetary cooperative
- I’ve also been recruiting NAC election candidates.
- Jill
- Working on on-boarding information for the next NAC.
- Hex Stickers are coming along. Working on New Orleans now.
- Laura
- Nina
- 2nd meeting of Design group.
- Good stuff coming out of California state, looking to tie them into Open Data Day planning.
- Presented about HFLA 2019 planning in the online workshop on Monday.
- On a personal level - I got elected to the board of the SoCal ACLU, so I’m looking forward to collaboration there.
- SCaLE 17x - potential gov/civic tech programming + tabling opportunities at this open source software conference.
- Ramy
CFA Updates
- Brigade Team Focus
- Heads up about our Q1 OKRs
- Meredith
- In Miami for a wedding, so staying after for a couple days to meet with Miami, Tampa Bay, Orlando
- Had 10.5 hours of meetings today (YIKES)
- Anyone object to putting together a twitter group for NAC + engaged twitter-ers in the Network?
- Shutdown: trying to think about creative things we can do to help provide essential services while government is shutdown. Any interest in this, or ideas?
- Christopher
- MOU Report Back
- To date: 80% of Brigades re-signed
- A handful of Brigades haven’t signed, but said that they will (Like DC)
- Brigades have to sign by the 31st to participate in elections
NAC Elections Now Live! - Candidate Sheet has been created
- Here is an Example Invitation language
- Here’s the ask of you:
- Reach out to a woman and a person of color that you think would be great for NAC
- Regional Reps, ping your Brigades about the elections
- Tweet / Slack reminders to Brigades at large about the elections
- MOU Report Back
- Veronica
- Brigade Census in progress, interest in co-authoring the blog post announcement?
- Working with Jill on Brigade Health Checklist, any other thoughts on this?
- Thinking about NAC onboarding/offboarding weekend….anyone want to colead?
- Tom
- Still need more user testing volunteers!
- Upcoming projects: Reporting back Brigade Census to Brigade leaders, Helping leaders measure their retention
- Hashim
- Please share the Public Interest Tech Job Board with your circles
- 132 active high-impact opportunities currently listed
- Q3 2018: 16 people placed in public interest tech roles
- Q4 2018: 13 people placed in public interest tech roles
- Please share the Public Interest Tech Job Board with your circles
Health Check-in
- Everyone good?
- All standing in agreement that we are good.
- What was successful this month?
- What was successful this month?
- Feel good about meetings around NAC role and job descriptions.
- Code for JC doing cool work with community partners. Coreteam is more focused on education, which is interesting.
- New BAT started by HackSackensack (Misspoke calling them Newark)
- Good call with Tulsa about promoting and supporting Courtbot
- CA State is working on cool new technology stuff with partnership potential.
- Emma had a good meeting with Harvard Kennedy fellows about transition and good civic tech
- Maine is looking at some new stuff about projects and looking to share stuff about small projects.
- Laura and Nick have been doing a lot around the Design meetup push.
- Nina elected to Southern California Board for ACLU - CONGRATS!
- Scale17 - open source software conference in CA. Jason and Nina working with organizers to expand their open source track.
- Do you need anything to increase your “health?”
CFA Time
- “Heads-Up” items (Meredith)
- Good workshop on strategic priorities on Monday. Thanks Veronica & Nina! Agenda
- Q1 OKRs (MH)
- NAC on-site (VY)
- Co-Leads will be Dawn and Jill
- Census Blog Post- Janet will co-author
- NAC elections (5 min) (CW)
- Here’s the ask of you:
- Reach out to womxn / nonbinary folks and/or person of color that you think would be great for NAC and put their info into the nomination form so we can track it - current recruits are here
- When you’ve done this; ping the NAC channel with your nomination so we don’t pick the same person twice - Please do this by Jan 25th
- Currently, we have 45% of our potential recruits as Women or People of color and we’re trying to get 60% - so we need at least another additional 15 candidates to get that goal - 30 if we want to be safe
- Regional Reps, ping your Brigades about the elections - Please do this by Jan 21st
- Tweet / Slack reminders to Brigades at large about the elections from now until the 25th. We want each NAC member to ping the channel at least once before then.
- Sample Outreach Language
- Outreach Ideas
- Join other Brigades Slack; (Tom has the auto-join list)
- Meetup Message to All Brigades
- Summit + Brigade day (10 min) (MH)
- Overview on content side
- Three main tracks: gov ops, digital delivery, civic innovation
- Meeting mid-Feb to go over submissions
- 30ish working on content selection
- Over 400 submissions
- Tickets and Travel Process
- Unlimited number brigade tickets at $250 cost
- Financial aid for comp ticket and travel stipend
- Brigade Day (VY)
- Content Committee
- Leadership Retreats re: Dawn
- Attendees - Can we have some intentionality around the target audience for Summit (maybe a more mature member of the network | maybe a 1.0) vs Congress (maybe potential leaders we’re trying to groom | maybe a 2.0)
- Fellowship (10-15 min)
- 2018 lessons learned
- 2019 goals + timeline
- How NAC can plug-in
- Screening applications / selection process
- Driving submissions & applications
- Apply!
NAC Time
- NAC Roles Presented - Jill (15 min)