Index of Safety & Justice projects in the network (Help us keep this up to date!) [Wiki]

Let’s get a thread together of Safety & Justice projects in the network.

Here’s a starter list, please edit this post or reply with anything else you know of:

  • Courtbot
    See: Courtbot - Provide an API for court case information

  • YourSTLCourts (OpenSTL)

    YourSTLCourts is the St. Louis region’s only free, web and mobile tool that puts your rights and your case records right at your fingertips.

  • Reentry Resources Hub (Code for Asheville, Open NC Collaborative)
    Providing easy-to-access resources and advice for people reentering society.

  • Immigrant Power of Attorney (Nashville)
    Helping immigrant families ensure care of minor children in case of deportation or detainment by granting power of attorney.

  • Expungement/Clear My Record-style Projects

    • See the #clean-slate channel in the Code for America Slack workspace and the more specific discourse topic/wiki.

    • Access2Justice Record Expungement (Code for PDX)
      In partnership with the Multnomah County Public Defender’s Office, this program processes RAP sheets to quickly determine which items on an applicant’s record are eligible for expungement.

    • expunge-vt (Code for BTV)
      In partnership with Vermont Legal Aid, this tool generates ready-to-file expungement petitions, while working around the issue of data access by using a browser plugin.

    • Heart (Hack for LA)
      In partnership with the LA City Attorney’s office, the project is a workflow management tool for petitions to clear the records and suspend fines of people experiencing homelessness in LA.

    • Clear My Record (OpenKC)
      With students at the UMKC School of Law, developing a “delivery system” for connecting Missourians with record clearance remedies effective Jan 1, 2018. [In design phase.]

    • Clear My Record (Code for Dayton)
      Advocacy work in partnership with their state elected representative to roll out a statewide record-clearance project.

    • DEAR (Bloomberg i-Team/Code for Durham)
      Code for Durham members and leaders are plugged into the i-Team project to create an expungement opportunity and for people to regain access to their Drivers Licenses.

    • Clean Slate (Code for Boston) (no link yet)
      Code for Boston working with Citizens for Juvenile Justice to make expungement more accessible. Pursuing both a community facing app and a relationship with the state.

  • ABA Hackathon (Code for Miami)
    Providing designs support for an annual hackathon with the local American Bar Association to facilitate ideas and then seek grants to build a prototype of these apps.

We’re looking to refresh the Project Showcase page, and also we’ve heard a lot of interest from Brigade leaders about redeploying Safety & Justice apps, so hopefully this thread can become a good resource as well.


@mabrajeux - do you think Heart would fit here?!

I was actually thinking about that, I guess it depends on what we mean by Safety / Justice. It would be more in Justice, but if clear my record fits then I don’t see why not!

Here’s the repo if anyone wants to take a look and confirm!

Yeah this definitely fits! I added it under “Expungement”, which is getting a bit crowded above. (I may split it out into categories soon.)

We’re looking for any projects related to the criminal justice system, record expungement, safety, and more. The more projects, the merrier.


Here are some proto-projects from Philly:

Hey @DavidGinzberg, I heard Open Data Delaware is working on some legal advocacy work. Would you be able to add a quick description of what you’re working on in the post above?

You can add Code for Miami (ABA Justice Hack)

We are using hackathons as a way to facilitate ideas then seek grants to build a prototype of these apps. It’s being led by a non-brigade member, but we (I) am supporting the design/tech work here.

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Thank you for posting. Very inspirational for thinking about how to stimulate ideas for justice.