Notes from Initial Working Group Meeting: 2/8/2021
- Participants: Arthur S, Melanie M, Ryan H, Em B
Defining the process
- If it’s already in motion, something more simple like
- What decidim does well is create a forum where people can make proposals
- We’ve already gone through that process with theory of change
- Start to think more just about the
- Going all-in on Decidim means we could be constrained by the software
- Have a working document that outlines what we want as a distributed network
- is good at comparing different options
- But seeing all the profile pics on one end of a spectrum, it could also lead to a herd mentality
- What’s the first online deliberative activity we want to engage?
- PAA was a good example
- Like the idea of having the network on a collaborative platform
- Participation challenges:
- We’re not trying to recreate slack and messages
- It’s so hard to get people to participate - different timelines
- Really hard to make a collaborative decision when we had to build out a participatory framework while doing
- Brings to mind a Democracy Lab product
- Using multiple tools
- Only criteria is that they are open source
- How do we bring people into the participatory process?
- This is a shared challenge for a distributed network of volunteers
- How do your prefer being notified?
- Communications challenge
- One of the issues is the communications are inconsistent
- We don’t have one way to easily reach everyone
- Knowing where to find information consistently is very hard
- One of the issues is the communications are inconsistent
- This is a shared challenge for a distributed network of volunteers
- Decidim and open source
- It’s one of the more restrictive licenses
- Any changes you make, you have to include all prior licensing with them - you can’t do anything for your own purposes, you’d have to make it all available to everyone
- It’s doable, but can place an extra burden on us if we are going to make customizations we have to make them in a way that’s releasable
- Share alike and creative commons: any derivative documentation also has to be made available
- Also include not just the steps of the process but also what the constraints are
Next steps:
- Working document to outline what our goals are, etc.
- One place to gather the learnings
- Replies from the Decidim help desk
- Examples like code for france
- If there are points of the processes that fit imperfectly, maybe look at other tools
- Anything coming up as a reason we shouldn’t go in on Decidim
- Just do something that’s not too