Reimagine Update - May 27th

Announcements & Appreciations

Many thanks to two heavy hitters rolling off the data team!
Jennifer Miller and Chizo Nwagwu (respectively, below) are each rolling back their time with Reimagine911 at the end of this month. Both of these fabulous people have been amazing organizers, planners, doers, coaches, and comrades and this whole program has benefited greatly from their time & efforts. Thank you both so much!

Meetings & Presentations

Data Leadership Huddle
DeckRecordingNotesSign-up Sheet

With two heavy-hitting leaders from the data team rolling off soon (thank you @anon79192816 and @chizo!) this meeting was called to introduce three new data-related activities and call for members to work together to get these projects off the ground.

:information_source: Note that while two of these projects (Open 911 Data Explainers and Open 911 Data Review) will initially play the important role of documenting newly gained institutional knowledge for R911 members and posterity, we hope to work with CfA Marketing & Commuications to find a way to share this valuable information with the public as well.

  1. Open 911 Data Explainers
    The recent Data Description activity has been a great learning opportunity - now let’s make sure we capture that knowledge. Iva Momcheva has produced a lovely Data Licensing Explainer. Let’s do some similar work with other aspect of the open 911 data, and then see if it makes sense to share a version publicly.

  2. Publishing a Review of 145 Open Data Portals
    Whereas the Data Explainer activity is documenting knowledge in a narrative form, this activity is designed to document it in a data-centric format. We now have a sample of 145 cities, so let’s prepare a version of that data - accompanied by a written synthesis - that can be shared publicly.

  3. Launching the Data Dictionary activity
    Before we can proceed with our greater goal of standardizing 911 data, we have to know what we are working with. The first step is to create data dictionaries that provide clear definitions of the information that we will be trying to map to standardized labels. Peter Zeglen is hard at work on a Draft Data Dictionary Activity Guide to outline this activity but this is a big project and it will definitely be a team effort.

:tada: Many Thanks to our members who stepped up to help lead these activities: Brynn Keller, Margaret Fine, Iva Momcheva, Brandon Bolton, Peter Zeglen, Aleks Hatfield, Jennifer Miller, and Mariah Lynch!


After what feels (to me) like a long period of transition, this community assembly seemed to be a return to what I hope will be our regular “normal”: many people sharing activity updates, appreciations for the amazing work that is being done, an update from the core team, and some special agenda items.

The R911 Core Team Updates highlighted exciting progress the core team is making towards developing a more refined strategy and vision for how our program. While a refined vision is still forthcoming, the core team was able to share an initial “Concept Deck” with CfA CxO. That meeting resulted in valuable feedback that is very much aligned with the excitement and questions posed by volunteer members.

The Guest Speaker Brainstorming Session produced some great ideas for topics that would be interesting to the attending members:

  • A presentation about the Network and Revisioning
  • The relationship between Reimagine911 and Transform911, and more about the T911 program
  • Trauma-conscious practice as it relates to this and other CfA programs
  • Presentations by call takers from 911 dispatch centers
  • Data ethics and equity in R911 and other CfA projects

Program Activities

It was exciting to have activity updates from so many important initiatives. Many of these are just taking off though so look to the coming weeks for deeper updates and opportunities to get involved.

Completed Activities

  • Data Column Champions (Apr 22 to May 25) – This is a quality assurance and knowledge synthesization effort where dedicated members reviewed 12 different dimensions of 911 open data for all 145 cities - for a total of 1,740 individual data points!!! Although this work has come to a close, the Data Explainer and Data Review activities will follow through to ensure that the valuable learnings from this effort are captured and shared :ok_hand:

Action Teams

Ad-hoc Teams


  • R911 Call Types
  • Brigade Partnerships
  • T911 Tech Workgroup
  • Reimagine911 Concept Deck

Action Teams vs Ad-hoc vs MOCHA Teams?
We’ve recently come to understand that different initiatives require different team structures. Ad-hoc teams are just 1-2 people, lasting 1-3 weeks. MOCHA teams are production-oriented teams that generally follow the MOCHA philosophy of project management. And the Action Teams are the classic activities where we can really involve lots of members and flex our people-power!

:information_source: Any Questions? Contact @Micah or @megmeadows anytime.