Qualitative Research Practice Guide

We excited to release version 1 of CfA’s Qualitative Research Practice Guide!


This first release is a Google Doc that you can check out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u5DOeyKz6mBYHBDV0kKq33CMRorIgXfFbrzIf9mq8uU/edit#heading=h.ja5zecn1ltxl

In the document you’ll find:

  1. An intro to our approach to research at Code for America - research guiding principles and methodology
  2. Information on research operations - everything from safety and ethics to data storage
  3. The Methods - a section on each of the core qualitative research methods we use, that lets you know how to do it, when it’s best, and has links to examples of the method in use here at CfA

Please read the guide, use the guide, and pepper it with comments on what works and doesn’t. We are gearing up for a more formal, externally available v2 by the end of the year.

Thank you and I hope the guide is helpful!


This is a seriously beefy document. Thanks to everyone who contributed for their hard work on this!

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