Integrations between Slack and Discourse

To increase how we utilize both Slack and Discourse, one action being proposed is leveraging the existing tools both platforms provide. One of which is that the ability to monitor/ follow categories or tags in specific Slack channels. This helps for updates on Discourse to automatically populate inside of Slack channels that have subscribed for the updates.
This page is meant to track which channels are tracking which Discourse areas. This effort is not intended to list all Slack channels and all Discourse topics. Instead, it’s meant to start laying the groundwork for active/ popular areas of both platforms to be more closely intertwined.

Discourse topics to follow


To integrate
[List of Slack channels to follow the Discourse topics available]

  • TBD


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There’s also #discourse-firehose for anyone that just wants to see everything :stuck_out_tongue:


I think this could be a good way to kick off discussions in Slack when there are relevant threads in Discourse, and also increase awareness of Discourse within these channels. I gave up on the firehose, too much flow for me!

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