For project canvass resources, check out this Discourse post: Creating the Next Generation of Brigade Project Guidance [Brigade Congress 2019].
Based on recent Slack discussion, I put together a list of project management resources from brigade around the Network:
- Code for Atlanta
- Connector - Projects management tool
- Open Austin
- Code for Baltimore
- Code for Boston
- Code for BTV
- Code for Charlotte
- Project Starting Process
- Project Criteria
- Project Canvas (based on Open Austin’s), has a few variations used for data exploration and community asset mapping
- Project Process Doc, for sharing with new partners (they also have a couple versions of the canvas for different things and have large printed versions at Hack Nights)
- Skilled Volunteer Engagement Agreement (note that they take on paid work as a non-profit)
- Open Cleveland
- Code for Denver
- Members Project - Members portal (Waffle board)
- Project Champion Check-In
- Code for DC
- Code for Kansas City
- Hack for LA
- Code for Maine
- beehve - Members/projects portal (retired)
- Code for Nashville
- OpenOakland
- Code for Philly
- Civic Hacker’s Starter Guide
- laddr - Brigade projects/member portal with multi-site hosting
- Code for Poland
- Project Finder - A project finder with project roles and technologies taxonomies
- Code for San Francisco
- New Member to Project Matchmaker (created by the UX Research Group)
- New Member Engagement Project
- BrigadeHub - Members/projects potral (retired)