Priority Action Area: Voting Rights

It’s 2020 and the year of a major presidential election. There is a lot of energy around making sure that people feel safe and secure in the voting process, and who they are voting for. The Network has prioritized Voting Rights as a Priority Action Area to ensure that people have easy and safe access to exercise their right to vote?

Let us know if you’re working on a voting rights project! We will update this page with information about Voting Rights as a Priority Action Area as it develops.

We also have started a partnership with to help voters receive accurate voting information. We will be looking for more volunteers to continue this partnership at the end of July 2020, so stay tuned!

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I’d love to work on this now! How can I contribute?

Hi Sierra! Where are you located? We can see if there are ways to plug in with your local Brigade. Also, please stay tuned in the next couple weeks for announcements on additional ways for how to contribute to this action area.

I’m in Seattle, where I don’t think it’s being worked on currently.

Okay! Do you mind sending us an email at We can discuss options for working on voting rights locally with the Brigade, and also make sure you stay informed about any network-wide initiatives in this space.

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OpenMaine has the project Maine Ballot. It’s something anyone else can adapt, and with the right promotion, it’s been one of our most impactful projects.